Previous Clients

Excerpt of clients we've worked with in the past.

About Us


Vision ⭐️

As we've learned from the famous Silicon Valley Series (must watch for everyone working it IT), every company needs to "Make the world a better place!", so do we.

... just kidding.

Our vision is to transform the landscape of software development, where automated testing is not just an afterthought, but a practice of every developer's workflow. We aspire to create a world where software is consistently reliable, developers are confident in their work, and the process of software delivery is seamless and efficient.

Mission ⛡️

Our mission is to redefine the approach and position of automated testing in software development by elevating the role of testing from an afterthought to a fundamental aspect of the process.

Recognizing the gap of testing in existing resources on developing applications, we are committed to filling this void with comprehensive, high-quality content focused on automated testing. Our approach is pragmatic and non-dogmatic, eschewing a one-size-fits-all methodology in favor of diverse, effective testing strategies.

We are dedicated to democratizing knowledge, making it accessible and affordable for everyone. Our adherence to the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) model reflects this commitment, ensuring our prices are fair and adjusted to local economic conditions. For those who still find the cost prohibitive, we encourage reaching out.

Our platforms offer a balanced mix of free and premium content, ensuring valuable resources are available to all, regardless of their financial situation. This approach enables us to empower developers globally, ensuring they can deliver software with confidence and consistency, ...

... making the world a better and safer place (*winking-smiley*).


We are committed to making a meaningful difference in the communities we serve, not only through our exceptional products and services but also by giving back and fostering positive change.

Our dedication extends to supporting and caring for the world of sports, acknowledging its role in bringing people together, promoting health, and inspiring excellence. It's about creating lasting impacts in people's lives and contributing positively to the world around us.

Our initiatives:

What We Offer

Hands-On Consulting

Confidence-Boosting Development and Testing Practices πŸš€

Introducing and educating modern testing tools and libraries, implementing continuous production verification mechanism through canary tests, advocating pair programming and Test-Driven Development (TDD).

Test Automation Optimization Activities βš™οΈ

Streamlining and speeding up test setups to build applications faster using approaches like Spring TestContext caching, teaching testing recipes and best practices, helping teams write meaningful tests that improve confidence and enable fearless refactorings.

Transitioning to Continuous Live Deployments 🚀

Advocating trunk-based development to accelerate feedback loops, promoting and introducing feature flags to deploy code changes faster and more securely, automating software releases and repeating tasks.

Holistic Development Approach πŸ’»

Adopting a comprehensive mindset by developing monitoring and alerting strategies to identify outages and downtimes early on, introducing observability tools like distributed tracing to better debug and investigate distributed microservice landscapes.

Cloud Migration ☁️

Guiding organizations through successful migrations to the cloud, enabling them to leverage fully managed services for enhanced operational capabilities, managing cloud resources with infrastructure as code (IaC) to define and deploy them deterministically and automatically.

Actionable Tech Content

Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass πŸƒ
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass

Format: 12 hours on-demand online course.

Transform your testing skills and boost your confidence in deploying Spring Boot applications with the "Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass." This comprehensive online course dives deep into automated testing techniques, offering practical, real-world examples for mastering unit, integration, and end-to-end testing. Equip yourself with the latest testing tools and libraries and become more productive.

Management Summary of the Online Course

Enroll now and step into a world where writing tests becomes a joyful, integral part of your development process.

Stratospheric - From Zero to Production with Spring Boot on AWS πŸš€

Format: 450 pages long eBook and 6 hours on-demand online course.

From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS. All you need to know to get a Spring Boot application into production with AWS. No previous AWS knowledge required.

Learn how to develop and deploy Spring Boot on AWS

rieckpil - Testing Spring Boot Applications Made Simple πŸ§ͺ
rieckpil blog

Format: Online blog.

Guides, thorough explanations, and best practices on testing Spring Boot applications. Helping developers incorporate testing as a routine rather than a frustrated afterthought.

Visit our blog to get started with effective Spring Boot testing.

Practical Workshops

Testing Spring Boot Applications Deep-Dive πŸƒ

Advanced two-day workshop for experienced Spring Boot developers.

Learning objectives:

  • Deep Dive into Spring Boot Testing: Master unit, integration, and end-to-end testing for Spring Boot applications.
  • Incorporate Infrastructure Components: Use Testcontainers to include infrastructure components in your tests.
  • Advanced Testing Techniques: Apply advanced testing recipes for modern, microservice-based applications.
  • Optimize Build Times: Speed up build times by leveraging Spring TestContext caching.
  • Write Reliable Web Tests: Develop reliable and reproducible web tests that interact with user interfaces.

Workshop format: Onsite or online, max. 10-12 attendees, in offered English or German

Testing Spring Boot Applications Demystified πŸš€

Beginner-friendly one-day workshop to kickstart the Spring Boot testing success for your team.

Learning objectives:

  • Introduction to Unit Testing: Get started with unit testing Java applications.
  • Hands-On Experience with Testing Libraries Gain practical experience with fundamental Java testing libraries, JUnit 5 and Mockito.
  • Explore Spring Boot’s Testing Support: Discover the extensive testing support provided by Spring Boot.
  • Write Integration Tests: Learn how to write integration tests with a Spring TestContext.
  • Testing Outlook: Explore advanced testing techniques.

Workshop format: Onsite or online, max. 10-12 attendees, offered in English or German

Recent Conference Talks

Spring I/O in Barcelona 2024 πŸƒ

Testing Spring Boot Applications Demystified

VMWare Explore in Las Vegas 2023 πŸš€

Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Testing Spring Boot Applications

Spring I/O in Barcelona 2023 πŸƒοΈ

Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Testing Spring Boot Applications

Devoxx Belgium in Antwerp in 2022 🚀

Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Testing Spring Boot Applications

Spring I/O in Barcelona 2022 πŸƒοΈ

How Fixing A Broken Window Cut Down Our Build Time By 50%

Our Team

You'd be working with


Founder & Lead Consultant and Content Creator.


Assistant, Digital Marketing & Communication.

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